無堅不摧的英文 無堅不摧用英語怎麼說?
carry all before one 戰勝所有對手;完全成功
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 我們的軍隊顯示了無堅不摧的戰鬥力。
Our army displayed invincible military strength.
2. 一支無堅不摧的轟炸機部隊。
[as adj. overmastering]an overmastering force of bombers.
3. 她痛恨暴力,直到她變得無堅不摧。
As for violence, she hated it—until she became hardened.
4. 布林什維克是無堅不摧的.
There are no fortresses that Bolsheviks cannot capture.
5. 我們只知道他用的是一枝無堅不摧的金槍。
We just know that he is using an invincible golden gun.
6. 因為我們並肩作戰,我們生死與共,我們無堅不摧!
Because we fight side-by-side, we share life and death, we are invincible!
7. 當整個文化採取積極向上的態度時,它就無堅不摧了.
When a whole culture adopts an upward incredible things can be accomplished.
8. 我猜這就是無堅不摧的力量,碰上不肯動搖的物體的結果.
I guess this is what an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.
9. 金:其實,這家公司上星期就宣佈已經實施了新的安保策略,保證系統無堅不摧。
Jin: Well, the company announced last week that it had implemented new security measures, which made their systems impenetrable.
10. 被維內許的血所碰觸而成為的龍人藉由大地本身表現他們的天性,無論是無堅不摧的最大自由或是殘暴的野獸。
Drakkin touched by the blood of Venesh pull their traits from the earth itself, whether the sturdiness of the greatest free or the ferocity of the wildest beast.
無堅不摧,漢語成語,指沒有什麼堅固的東西不可摧毀。形容力量極其強大,任何困難和對手都能戰勝。例句有“中國人民解放軍是一支無堅不摧的英雄軍隊。” 該成語出自《舊唐書·孔巢文傳》:“(田)悅酒酣,自其騎之藝,拳勇之略,因曰:‘若蒙見用,無堅不摧。’”屬於褒義詞,作謂語、定語使用。 相關句子有“其神勇艱苦的精神,充分顯示了共產主義運動頑強的生命力,表現了共產黨領導的軍隊無堅不摧的戰鬥力量。”出自劉伯承《回顧長征》。相關近義詞有戰無不勝、所向無敵等;反義詞有不堪一擊、銅牆鐵壁。
null詞 be capable of destroying any stronghold; overrun all fortifications; overcome all obstacles; carry all before one; be all-conquering
1. 我們的軍隊顯示了無堅不摧的戰鬥力。
Our army displayed invincible military strength.
be capable of destroying any stronghold; overrun all fortifications; overcome all obstacles; carry all before one; be all-conquering