群居的英文 群居用英語怎麼說?
live in groups/communities; be gregarious/social; assemble in large numbers; gather in groups/flocks/crowds/throngs
常用 權威
1. 群居昆蟲
social insects;social insect
2. 群居動物
gregarious/social animal
3. 群居穴處
live in groups in caves―be crude and ignorant
4. 群居終日,言不及義
be together all day long and never talk about fundamentals
1. 人類是群居動物。我們想融入社會,想和他人建立聯絡。
Humans are herd animals. We want to fit in, to bond with others.
2. 人是群居動物。
Human beings are social animals.
3. 它們根據種類不同群居或者獨居。
They live in a group or as individuals, depending on the species.
4. 群居動物從聚居地或棲息地成群結隊地外出覓食。
Gregarious species forage in flocks from colonies or roosts.
5. 在《原子習慣》中,我寫道,\人類是群居動物。\
In Atomic Habits, I wrote, \Humans are herd animals.\
6. 龍生來是群居漫步地球上的動物.
The dragon by nature is a gregarious creature who wanders the earth.
7. 但我們不是群居動物,我們是人!
But we're not a colony, we're individuals!
8. 但它們的群居習性並非僅為安全。
But this was not the only reason for their herding behavior.
9. 群居的動物是靠氣味維繫群體的.
Most animals that live in herds depend on smell to keep together.
10. 我們有證據表明,這些是群居動物。
We have evidence suggesting that these animals lived in groups.
群居,讀音qún jū,漢語詞語,指的是與眾人共處,也指眾人聚在一起。例句有“我愛熱鬧,也愛冷靜;愛群居,也愛獨處”。 相關古文有“群居終日,言不及義,好行小慧,難矣哉”出自《論語·衛靈公》,相關近義詞有聚居,反義詞有獨處。
動詞 live in groups/communities; be gregarious/social
動詞 assemble in large numbers; gather in groups/flocks/crowds/throngs