削弱的英文 削弱用英語怎麼說?
weaken v.使虛弱;削弱;減弱;變弱
cripple n.殘疾人;跛子;有嚴重缺陷者
sap n.汁;液;坑道;地道;笨蛋;傻瓜;大頭短棒;棍棒;元氣;活力
常用 權威
1. 削弱基礎
undermine the foundations (of)
2. 削弱友情
weaken the friendship
3. 削弱地位
weaken one's position
4. 削弱意志
weaken sb's volition
5. 削弱農業的根基
sap the roots of agriculture
6. 削弱敵人的有生力量
whittle down the enemy effectives
1. 但是,這樣的承諾也會削弱自由感。
But such commitment can also weaken a sense of freedom.
2. 語音處理技術可能會逐漸削弱這一點。
Voice manipulation technologies may weaken that gradually.
3. 這會削弱我們的成就感。
It can weaken our sense of accomplishment.
4. 它削弱了評論者的作用。
It diminishes the role of reviewers.
5. 當你的肢體語言表達不情願或焦慮時,它會削弱資訊。
When your body language communicates reluctance or anxiety, it undercuts the message.
6. 你冒著削弱任何地方的任何政府入侵者的所有iPhones的風險。
You risk weakening all iPhones for any government intruder, anywhere.
7. 沉重的債務大大削弱了他們的經濟。
Huge debts are debilitating their economy.
8. 不讓他們作證有效地削弱了委員會。
The refusal to allow them to testify effectively emasculated the committee.
9. 該黨的優勢被許多對立因素削弱了。
The dominance of the party was mediated by a number of countervailing factors.
10. 主席否認自己的權威受到削弱。
The chairman denied his authority was being undercut.
削弱(英文:cripple、sap),是漢語詞語,指的是謂地削兵弱;變弱、減弱;薄弱、無能。例句有“過於豐厚的俸祿,反而會削弱鬥志”。 相關句子有“留聲機主義和照相機主義,無非是想削弱文藝武器。”出自瞿秋白《文藝的自由和文學家的不自由》。
動詞 weaken; cripple; sap
1. 沉重的債務大大削弱了他們的經濟。
Huge debts are debilitating their economy.
2. 削弱權力
dilute/clip/abridge sb's power; weaken sb's authority
3. 削弱基礎
undermine the foundations (of)
4. 削弱敵人的有生力量
whittle down the enemy effectives
5. 削弱當局的勢力
impair the influence of the authorities; weaken the might of the authorities