蛀牙的英文 蛀牙用英語怎麼說?
tooth decay 蛀牙;牙齒腐爛;齲齒
常用 權威
1. 是否有某些食物可能導致蛀牙?
Are there certain foods that might cause cavities?
2. 我有一顆蛀牙,使我感到不適.
I had a bad tooth that is worrying me.
3. 烏龍能抑制牙菌斑及幫助預防蛀牙.
Oolong suppresses dental plaque and helps prevent cavities.
4. 成年人應該使用含氟牙膏來防止蛀牙。
Adults should always use toothpaste with fluoride to fight tooth decay.
5. 防止蛀牙?你長過蛀牙嗎?
Get rid of a cavity? Are you stuck with a cavity once youhave it?
6. 旺卡醫生:棒棒糖,應該被叫做蛀牙棒!
Dr. Wonka:Lollipops. Ought to be called cavities on a stick!
7. 按時刷牙有助於預防蛀牙.
Brushing your teeth regularly helps to ward off tooth decay.
8. 這些芝士有助於預防蛀牙。
These ones assist in preventing cavities.
9. 含氟牙膏能有效防止蛀牙.
Tooth paste with fluorine can effectively guard against tooth decay.
10. 你有一個大大的蛀牙洞.
Yes, you have a big cavity there.
名詞 decayed tooth; dental caries; tooth decay