握住的英文 握住用英語怎麼說?
catch up 追趕, 趕上, 追上;瞭解/討論最新情況
handhold n.可以抓手的東西
hold v.抓住;拿著;托住;夾住;拘留;穩定;容納;能裝;擁有;為(人)保留;控制;防止;舉行
grip v.握緊;抓牢;緊咬;夾住;強烈地影響;牢牢地附著;緊貼;嚴重困擾;嚴重影響;吸引
1. 握住韁繩
hold the reins
2. 握住手
grasp sb's hand
1. 事實上,一個真正的朋友會握住我們的手,觸動我們的心。
As a matter of fact, a true friend reaches for our hands and touches our hearts.
2. 他熱情地握住了我的手。
He grasped my hand warmly. / He gave my hand a warm clasp.
3. 她緊緊握住孩子的手。
She clasped her child’s hand tight in hers.
4. 用手握住腿上你能夠著的最遠處。
Hold the furthest part of your leg that you can reach.
5. 握住刷子使其與表面成90度。
Hold the brush at right angles to the surface.
6. 他開始握住兒子的手搖晃著以示祝賀。
He began pumping the hand of his son in congratulation.
7. 她雙手握住他那隻乾癟的手。
She took his flaccid hand in hers.
8. 他把握住了這首曲子所需要的那種音色。
He commands the sort of tonal palette which this music needs.
9. 還是伸出手來緊緊握住沒有放手…
Or reach out to firmly grasp not let go.
10. 請握住Gerald的手。很好。
Hold Gerald's hand, please. Great!