看球賽的英文 看球賽用英語怎麼說?
watch a ball game
watch a ball game
1. 人們團團簇簇地跑去看球賽。
People flocked to the football match.
2. 世界盃期間我經常通宵達旦地看球賽.
During the World Cup, I watched football matches day and night.
3. 我得趕快,我想按時回家,去看球賽。
I must hurry. I want to get home in time to see the football match on television.
4. 昨晚我老婆在我看球賽的時分非要跟我說話。
The wife interrupted me while I was watching the football last night.
5. 他兒子開玩笑說,他支援爸爸去看球賽,因為那會減少他的壓力。
His son joked he supports his dad attending games because it takes some pressure off him.
6. 最重要的是,她可以坐在那裡陪我看球賽,完了我們還可以聊天。
Above all, she can sit there for hours watching soccer games and talk to me after that.
7. 那時,無論是看馬戲表演、看球賽還是去遊樂場,爆米花都是首選零食。
It was the go-to snack at circuses, sporting events and fairs.
8. 但是政府對這起恐嚇表示懷疑,告知民眾繼續著手他們的計劃包括去看球賽。
But the government is expressing doubts about the threat, telling the public to continue to go about their plans including going to football games.
9. 我成長過程都在和我父親一起看球賽,我能瞭解為什麼足球很有娛樂性和吸引力。
Now I grew up watching sports with my dad, so I get why soccer is entertaining and engaging.
10. 我兒子可以確信我會帶他去看球賽,他當然不必擔心給車加油,不操心去賽場的方向,而且不用擔心怎麼開車去。
My son can be certain I will get him to the ball game, but he need not be concerned about the gas required, the directions there, or even to drive.