越來越受歡迎的英文 越來越受歡迎用英語怎麼說?
become increasingly popular
常用 重點詞彙
1. 富含穀類的素食飲食越來越受歡迎。
There is a growing popularity of a cereal-heavy vegetarian diet.
2. 這種軟飲料越來越受歡迎。
The soft drink gained in popularity.
3. 火鍋是一種可以和朋友分享的特殊食物,在國外越來越受歡迎。
Hotpot, a special meal that can be shared with friends, is winning popularity abroad.
4. 電話亭越來越受歡迎,主要是因為它們的角色和功能發生了變化。
The phone boxes are becoming popular mainly because of their changed roles and functions.
5. 休閒服裝在中國越來越受歡迎了.
Casual clothes are becoming more and more popular in China.
6. 自助旅行在臺灣越來越受歡迎.
Independent travel is becoming more and more popular in Taiwan.
7. 藝術院校在中國越來越受歡迎。
Art colleges are becoming more and more popular in China.
8. 作為一種蔬菜,南瓜越來越受歡迎.
Pumpkins are becoming increasingly popular as a vegetable too.
9. 為什麼愛爾蘭酒吧越來越受歡迎呢?
Why are Irish pubs becoming more and more popular ?
10. 因此,相關的研究變得越來越受歡迎。
Therefore, the correlative researches became more and more popular.
more and more; all the more; increasingly
popular; welcome; be favourably received