顧名思義的英文 顧名思義用英語怎麼說?
think of the meaning when seeing the name—as its name implies; as implied by the name; as the term suggests
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 顧名思義,英國工黨長期以來一直與工會主義聯絡在一起。
Britain's Labor Party, as its name implies, has long been associated with trade unionism.
2. 顧名思義,東歐指的是歐洲大陸的東部。
Eastern Europe, as its name implies, refers to the eastern part of the continent of Europe.
3. 顧名思義,這是一束再放的花朵。
Just as the double meaning title, this is a bunch of flowers.
4. 大多數元素是可以顧名思義的。
Most of the elements are self-explanatory.
5. 顧名思義,這個分子有三種磷酸鹽。
As the name implies, this molecule has three phosphates.
6. 顧名思義,就是把水噴到地球上空。
It really was exactly what the name is: water that went high above the earth.
7. 頻率,顧名思義,指波浪有多頻繁。
Frequency, as the name suggest, tells you how frequent the waves are.
8. 顧名思義,此快取包含上下文資料。
As the name implies, this cache holds the context data.
9. 聯邦德國顧名思義是一個聯邦制國家.
Confederative Germany as its name implies is a federal makes a state.
10. 消費,顧名思義就是我們花錢買東西。
Consumption, just as its name implies is we buy anything.
顧名思義,漢語成語,指看到名稱就能想到它所包含的意義。例句有“記敘文,顧名思義,是用於記敘人物或事件的一種文體”。 出自晉朝陳壽《三國志·魏書·王昶(chǎng)傳》中的“欲使汝曹顧名思義,不敢違越也。”中性詞,用法連動式,作分句。 近義詞望文生義、循名責實。
null詞 think of the meaning when seeing the name—as its name implies; as implied by the name; as the term suggests
1. 顧名思義,東歐指的是歐洲大陸的東部。
Eastern Europe, as its name implies, refers to the eastern part of the continent of Europe.
think of the meaning when seeing the name—as its name implies; as implied by the name; as the term suggests