有幸的英文 有幸用英語怎麼說?
lucky adj.有好運的;帶來好運的;幸運的
fortunate adj.好運的;幸運的;有利的;吉利的;富足的;有吉祥之兆的;物質上富裕的
常用 權威
1. 三生有幸
be lucky enough; be most fortunate (as to make sb's acquaintance, etc)
1. 今天,我們有幸請到了一位特別的客人。
Today, we are fortunate to have a special guest with us.
2. 在眾多的人當中,她有幸中選。
She was lucky enough to be chosen among the many.
3. 我有幸出生於一個富裕的家庭。
By accident of birth I was born into a rich family.
4. 我曾有幸親聆他的教誨。
I was fortunate to attend his lectures. / I was lucky enough to listen to his teachings personally.
5. 我們有幸沒有受到傷害。
We were lucky to escape injury.
6. 有幸見到你,我很高興。
Pleased to meet you.
7. 我有幸作喬治·布朗爵士紀念演講。
I had the privilege of giving the Sir George Brown memorial lecture.
8. 他問他能否有幸請她吃午飯。
He asked if he might have the pleasure of taking her to lunch.
9. 無論我有幸漫遊到何處。
Where'er I happ'd to roam.
10. 讓你求婚的女士其實都三生有幸.
Any lady would be fortunate to be courted by you.
有幸(英文:lucky),讀音yǒu xìng,漢語詞語,指的是很幸運,受寵幸。例句有“國慶節那天,我有幸在天安門觀看了莊嚴的升旗儀式。” 該詞語出現在秦牧《獻上一個花環》: “在一個特殊的接待外賓的場合,有幸和朱德委員長同坐在一張餐桌旁”。相關作品有同名歌曲《有幸》。
形詞 lucky; fortunate
1. 我有幸出生於一個富裕的家庭。
By accident of birth I was born into a rich family.
2. 我們有幸沒有受到傷害。
We were lucky to escape injury.
3. 有幸認識她
have the honour of her acquaintance; have the privilege of knowing her
4. 有幸參加代表大會
have the honour to attend the congress