五年的英文 五年用英語怎麼說?
lustrum n.五年
常用 重點詞彙
1. 五年計劃
five-year plan
2. 五年規劃
five-year plan
3. 第十個五年計劃
the Tenth Five-Year Plan
4. 最近五年裡
over the last five years
5. 廢棄延續了十五年的做法
scrap a 15-year practice
1. 第五年,地裡長出了一個小芽。
In the fifth year, a small sprout came out of the land.
2. 這將是你在過去五年中第三次離職。
This will be the third time you've left a job in the last five years.
3. 他已經這樣生活了五年,感覺很好。
He has been making his living this way for five years and feels great.
4. 償還貸款的還款門檻將被凍結五年。
The repayment threshold for paying back loans will be frozen for five years.
5. 我今天和五年級的學生一起做這件事。
I was doing that today with my 5th graders.
6. 五年後,我第一次飛往國際空間站執行任務。
Five years later, I flew on my first mission to the International Space Station.
7. 幼兒期同伴的社會接受度也能預測五年級的成績。
Social acceptance by peers in early childhood also predicted grades in fifth grade.
8. 每五年,政府都試圖告訴美國人在肚子裡放些什麼。
Every five years, the government tries to tell Americans what to put in their bellies.
9. 在過去五年中,英國的毒品使用量增加了 30%。
Drug use in Britain has increased by 30% in the last five years.
10. 乘客必須每五年支付85美元來處理他們的背景調查。
Passengers must pay $85 every five years to process their background checks.
five years; lustrum