視而不見的英文 視而不見用英語怎麼說?
look but not see; look without seeing; see sth/sb but take no notice; turn a blind eye to sb/sth; shut one's eyes to sth
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 視而不見,聽而不聞
look but not see, listen but not hear; turn a blind eye or deaf ear to; simply pay no notice of
1. 我屬於那種對所有警告根本視而不見的人。
I belong to those people who simply turned a blind eye to all the warnings.
2. 看到事情的積極方面並不意味著你對發生的事情視而不見。
Seeing the positive side of things doesn't mean you're ignoring what happened.
3. 她雙眼盯著電話,其他一律視而不見。
Her eyes were taking in nothing but the telephone.
4. 那位列車員對坐車不掏錢的人視而不見。
The train conductor winked at people who hopped trains.
5. 面對這些違規行為他們竟然一言不發,視而不見。
They stood mute and unseeing before these violations.
6. 當局對他們的非法貿易視而不見。
The authorities winked at their illegal trade.
7. 她對自己的現實處境視而不見。
She was blind to the realities of her position.
8. 再出眾的才能他都視而不見。
He wouldn't notice talent if it hit him right between the eyes.
9. 他們確實對這裡的腐敗行為視而不見。
They do look the other way at corrupt practices here.
10. 人們再也不能對事實視而不見了。
People can no longer close their eyes to the fact.
視而不見,是漢語成語,釋義為指不注意不重視,睜著眼卻沒看見,也指不理睬,看見了當沒看見。例句為“他對周圍的一切都視而不見,一臉茫然地走下了樓梯。” 視而不見可作謂語、定語,出自先秦時期莊周《莊子·知北遊》中的“終日視之而不見,聽之而不聞,搏之而不得也。” 視而不見的近義詞為聽而不聞、視若無睹,反義詞為過目不忘。
視而不見是劉德華在2000年發行的專輯《心藍》裡面的一首主打歌。 心藍專輯裡面的歌曲有10首,《當我遇上你》、《心藍》、《微笑》、《神秘的遊戲》、《請你莫忘我》、《視而不見》、《超友誼》、《百分百好戲》、《只有你會當》、《缺陷美》。
null詞 look but not see; look without seeing; see sth/sb but take no notice; turn a blind eye to sb/sth; shut one's eyes to sth
1. 她雙眼盯著電話,其他一律視而不見。
Her eyes were taking in nothing but the telephone.
2. 那位列車員對坐車不掏錢的人視而不見。
The train conductor winked at people who hopped trains.
3. 對腐敗視而不見
turn a blind eye to corruption
look but not see; look without seeing; see sth/sb but take no notice; turn a blind eye to sb/sth; shut one's eyes to sth