男女的英文 男女用英語怎麼說?
male and female; men and women; sons and daughters
常用 權威
1. 男女亂交
promiscuous sexual intercourse/relations; promiscuity
2. 男女關係
relations between the two sexes; sexual relations; liaison
3. 男女有別
men and women should behave prudently in their relations;males and females should be treated differently
4. 男女比例
proportion of men to women
5. 男女平等
gender equality; equality between sexes; equality of men and women
6. 男女同酬
equal pay for men and women
7. 男女作風
improper relationship between a man and a woman
8. 胡搞男女關係
be promiscuous
9. 男女聲二重唱
male and female duet
10. 男女青年
young men and women
11. 男女老少
men and women, old and young; everybody
12. 男女同校
13. 飲食男女
food, drink and sex—humanity's prime needs
14. 男女同工同酬
men and women get equal pay for equal work
15. 男女混合雙打
mixed doubles;mixed doubles
16. 男女授受不親
improper for men and women to touch other's hand when passing objects
17. 對男女都適宜
be suitable for both sexes
1. 他們提倡男女平等。
They advocated equity between men and women.
2. 我喜歡看男女滑冰。
I enjoy watching the men's and women's skating.
3. 在肯亞,馬賽男女的傳統是先穿孔,然後做耳朵。
In Kenya, it is a tradition among Masai men and women to pierce and then make their ear.
4. 不分男女老幼,人人都可以參加。
Everyone, regardless of sex or age, can take part.
5. 我們班男女生人數對比是一比三。
The ratio between boys and girls/of boys to girls in our class is one to three.
6. 法律規定男女必須同工同酬。
The law stipulates that men and women must be paid equally for performing the same job/for performing the work of equal value. / The law states that equal pay should be given to men and women for equal work.
7. 公園裡有幾對談戀愛的男女。
There were several courting couples in the park.
8. 這一工作不管男女均可應聘。
The job is open to people of both sexes.
9. 與會的男女比例為10比1。
The ratio of men to women at the conference was ten to one.
10. 這個班男女生人數相等。
There is an equal number of boys and girls in the class.
名詞 male and female; men and women
1. 男女不限。
Either man or woman will do.
2. 男女青年
young men and women
3. 男女比例
ratio between the male and the female; ratio of the male to the female
名詞 sons and daughters