率的英文 率用英語怎麼說?
rate n.比率;率;價格;費用;速率;速度;費率;進度;不動產稅
proportion n.部分;份額;比;比例;面積;大小;體積;均衡;相稱;調和
ratio n.比;比率;比例
example n.例證;例子;範例;榜樣;楷模;例題
model n.模型;模式;樣式;模範;時裝模特兒;設計;型號;典型;榜樣;原型
lead v.帶領(人)前進;牽著…前進;帶領;率領;領先於;過;開始;讓;組織
command v.命令;掌握;擁有;可以獲得;指揮;管轄;統率;俯視;俯瞰;〈古〉 控制(或抑制)(自己,自己的感情)
head n.頭;頭部;前部;頂部;頭兒;首領;領袖;中心詞;主導詞;人;磁頭;蓄水高度;水頭;廁所;岩礁;(Head)人名:海德
follow v.跟在…後面;跟隨;排在…後面;按照(指示;規則)做;執行;密切注意;從事;進行;跟蹤;追隨
obey v.服從;順從;聽從;遵守;執行;遵循
rash adj.魯莽的;輕率莽撞的;急躁的
hasty adj.匆忙的;倉促的;草率的;易怒的
frank adj.坦白的;直率的;誠實的
straightforward adj.簡單的;易做的;易懂的;誠實的;坦率的;坦誠的
generally adv.大多數情況下;通常;概括地;籠統地;總的來說;廣泛地;普遍地
usually adv.通常;經常;一般;向來;一直
常用 權威
1. 超高頻率
super high frequency
2. 貼水率
3. 摺合率
conversion/exchange rate
4. 放熱率
heat liberation rate
5. 正品率
rate of standard products
6. 風險率
risk ratio
7. 配種率
breeding rate
8. 累進率
graduated rate
9. 物耗率
material consumption rate
10. 傳染率
transmission rate
11. 產卵率
spawning rate
12. 擴散率
rate of diffusion
13. 準點率
on-time rate
14. 同化率
15. 旋光率
specific rotation
16. 缺勤率
absence/absentee rate
17. 膨大率
bulking rate
18. 運算率
arithmetic law
19. 心搏率
heart rate
20. 償還率
payout rate
1. 大學繼續盡最大努力提高學生的畢業率。
Colleges continue to do their utmost to improve students' graduation rates.
2. 考慮到在研究開始之前,退出率尤其令人信服。
And the quit rates were particularly convincing given that before the study started.
3. 當其它條件相同時,蒸散率隨溼度增大而減小。
Other things being equal, the evapotranspiration rate decreases with increasing humidity.
4. 謀殺案的偵破率超過了90%。
The detection rate for murder is over 90 per cent.
5. 管理層會重新給工作定時,削減計件工資率。
Management would have re-timed jobs and cut the piece rates.
6. 選舉時很高的棄權率反映了選民對政治的日益失望。
The high abstention rate at the election reflected the voters' growing disillusionment with politics.
7. 現在有鏡子可以測量你的脈搏率。
There's even mirrors today that can pick up your pulse rate.
8. 大部分濃度處理空癟粒粒率減小;
The shrunken grain rate reduced mostly.
9. 工作條件的改善已令曠工率降低.
Improvements in working conditions helped to reduce levels of absenteeism.
10. 我們已達到97%的準時交貨率。
We produce 97% of our customized cables on time.
名詞 rate; proportion; ratio
動詞 lead; command; head
1. 率部起義
lead one's troops in revolt
動詞 follow; obey
名詞 example; model
形詞 rash; hasty
形詞 frank; straightforward
副詞 generally; usually