言的英文 言用英語怎麼說?
say v.說;講;假設;假定;表達;念;比如說;傳達;背誦;說明
talk v.談話;交談;說話;談判;說服;議論;談心;商討;責備;徹底地討論
speak v.說話;講話;責備;勸告;表明;顯示;發出特有的響聲;發言;交談;談話
speech n.說話;言語;演說;發言;說話方式;臺詞
word n.詞;字;話;訊息;資訊;諾言;命令;保證;歌詞;詞句
character n.性格;品性;人物;角色;字母;符號;特徵;特性;特色
sentence n.句子;判決;徒刑;命題
1. 滿口胡言
full of wild talk
2. 言情詩
love/amorous/sentimental poem
3. 言之綦詳
extremely detailed description
4. 言未既
before one finishes speaking
5. 並無異言
raise no objection
6. 知而不言,言而不盡
though one knows, one will not speak, and even if one speaks, one will not tell all one knows
1. 他們在會上言定下個月進行改革。
They agreed on the meeting that the reform would be carried out next month.
2. 我給他留了言,他會回電話的。
I left a message for him, so he would surely call back.
3. 君子欲訥於言,而敏於行。
A person of noble character should be slow to speech and agile to action.
4. 全書近十萬言。
It is a book of nearly 100,000 words.
5. 她的峻言厲語很見效。
Her astringent words had their effect.
6. 其在宗廟朝庭,便便言,唯謹爾。
When he was in the princes ancestral temple, or in the court, he spoke minutely on every point, but cautiously.
7. 哲學家言“萬物”以代“總體”;
Instead of \the whole\ philosophers also say \all things\;
8. 會議開始的時候,王先生髮了言.
Mr. Wang spoke at the beginning of the meeting.
9. 語 言是人類的一種獨特的天賦。
Language is a uniquely human gift.
10. 我無法用詞言表達我多麼喜歡它。
I can't search phrases to express how abundance I love it.
言(yán),漢字,單一結構,有講的意思,也指說的話或者漢語的字,或作語助詞,無義。組詞有言行舉止、言簡意賅、言差語錯等。 相關詩句“《國語·周語上》國人莫敢言,道路以目。”“《法言·問神》言,心聲也。”
出自春秋時言偃之後,以祖名為氏。據《姓纂》載:“孔子弟子言偃之後。”春秋時期,孔子的得意弟子之一名言偃,字子游。言偃才華出眾,曾任武城(今山東省費縣西南)宰。提倡以禮樂教民,名聲很大,他的後代就以其名字中的言字為姓,稱為言氏。 言氏是一個多民族、多源流的古老姓氏群體,但人口總數在中國大陸未列入百家姓前三百位,在臺灣省則名列第六百二十四位,望族出汝南郡、吳郡。言姓在大陸和臺灣都沒有列入 百家姓前一百位。
動詞 say; talk; speak
1. 一切盡在不言中。
Everything lies in what is left unsaid.
2. 知而不言
be reticent about/upon what one knows
3. 言而不當
speak inaptly/inappropriately
名詞 speech; word
1. 那是酒後之言。
It was the drink in him talking.
2. 常言道
as the saying goes
名詞 character; word; sentence
1. 全書近十萬言。
It is a book of nearly 100,000 words.