隸書的英文 隸書用英語怎麼說?
official script
常用 權威
1. 隸書真是書法史上瑰麗的一章。
The development of li calligraphy is an important chapter in Chinese calligraphy history.
2. 可以說,中國文字系統到了隸書已經成熟。
It can be said that Chinese writing reached its maturity at this time.
3. 工隸書
Public official script, can poetry, Kaneyoshi shooting , civil and military.
4. 作為書法藝術,隸書打破了原來篆書單一用筆的侷限.
Li calligraphy broke the limitations of the zhuan type and diversified Chinese calligraphy.
5. 隸書的出現,是書法史乃至文字史上的一次重大變革.
The emergence of li calligraphy is an important reform in Chinese calligraphy.
6. 東漢時期的隸書異體字比較明顯地反映了演變中的文字的面貌。
The the official script variant forms of Chinese characters in Eastern Han Dynasty reflected the appearance of the evolution of the Chinese characters observably.
7. 隸書上承篆書遺脈,下開楷書之源,更能體現中國書法的變形與誇張。
Li script can embody the deformation and exaggeration of Chinese calligraphy better than any other script.
8. 上述研究,使我們對東漢碑刻隸書異體字情況有一個大概的認識和瞭解。
All these studies help readers generally get to know and understand the the official script variant forms of Chinese characters in Eastern Han Dynasty.
9. 因為程邈是個徒隸,起初又專供隸役應用, 所以把這一書體稱之為隸書.
Because Cheng Miao had been a prisoner, his writing style was later adopted by prison workers.
10. 第三部分同樣以例項分析為基礎,分析了東漢碑刻隸書字形的來源與流變。
The third part analyzes the origin and the changing of the official script variant forms of Chinese characters in Eastern Han Dynasty with abundant specific variant Chinese characters as examples.
隸書是漢字中常見的一種莊重的字型風格,一般認為它由篆書發展而來,字形多呈寬扁,橫畫長而豎畫短,講究“蠶頭燕尾”“一波三折”。 隸書始創於秦朝,傳說程邈作隸,漢隸在東漢時期達到頂峰,上承篆書傳統,下開魏晉、南北朝,對後世書法有不可小覷的影響,書法界有“漢隸唐楷”之稱。
名詞 official script [a style of Chinese calligraphy current in the Han Dynasty, 206 BC-220 AD]