同行的英文 同行用英語怎麼說?
engage in the same trade/occupation; travel together
people of the same trade/occupation
常用 權威
1. 業內同行
industry peer
2. 共同行動
act in concert
3. 同行相嫉
two of a trade are jealous of each other
4. 同行中的老前輩
senior of a profession
1. 他們可能會強化同行
They could cement the status quo of peer-reviewed research.
2. 模特們不再承受同行的壓力。
Models are no longer under peer pressure.
3. 他們不資助同行評審的研究。
They do not fund peer-reviewed research.
4. 他們成了巴黎同行的對手。
They became rivals of their Parisian counterparts.
5. 《科學》雜誌打算簡化它的同行評審過程。
Science intends to simplify its peer-review process.
6. 其他科學家也免費從事同行評審的專業工作。
Other scientists perform the specialised work of peer review also for free.
7. 他們可能會扭曲以同行評審為導向、以學術成就基礎的研究體系。
They could distort the achievement-based system of peer-review-led research.
8. 我在路上碰到一個同行,聊了幾句。
On my way here, I ran into someone of my profession and chatted for a while.
9. 這個話題可能只有同行才會感興趣。
This topic is only likely to be of interest to the trade.
10. 可嘆我身患重病,難以同行。
It’s regrettable that I’m too sick to go together with you.
同行(英文:people of the same occupation),讀音為tóng háng或tóng xíng,漢語詞語,讀tóng háng時,指的是同行業或同行業的人。讀tóng xíng時,指的是一同行走,也指同行的人。例句有“他的迂腐常受到同行們的嘲笑”。 相關近義詞有同門、隨行、偕行。
動詞 engage in the same trade/occupation
1. 他倆同行,都是學醫的。
Both of them are of the same profession—medicine.
名詞 people of the same trade/occupation
1. 這個話題可能只有同行才會感興趣。
This topic is only likely to be of interest to the trade.
2. 我在路上碰到一個同行,聊了幾句。
On my way here, I ran into someone of my profession and chatted for a while.
3. 他們是同行。
They are in the same profession.
4. 同行是冤家。
Two of a trade can never agree. / People of the same trade are enemies.
動詞 travel together
1. 與他同行的還有兩位同學。
Travelling with him, there were two classmates of his.
2. 同行夥伴
fellow traveller; travel companion/partner