考慮周到的英文 考慮周到用英語怎麼說?
considerate adj.體貼的;體諒的;考慮周到的;謹慎的;小心的
be thoughtful 仔細考慮;考慮周全;細心
常用 重點詞彙
1. 謙虛或有禮貌的或考慮周到的行為。
A courteous or respectful or considerate act.
2. 謝謝他考慮周到,給我們一個急救箱。
Of him to give us a first-aid kit.
3. 接生個性謙虛的考慮周到的
Deliver a baby personality modest considerate
4. 你送禮物真是考慮周到, 我真的非常感謝.
Your gift was so thoughtful. I really appreciate it.
5. 溫文爾雅、考慮周到且舉止行為標準很高的女性
La. dies A well-mannered and considerate woman with high standards of proper behavior.
6. 對自己行為的所有細節都深思熟慮考慮周到是不可能的。
It is impossible to deliberate over every detail of conduct.
7. 九歲的莎拉一向是個遇事考慮周到並且願意合作的女孩。
Sara, age 9, had always been a thoughtful and cooperative child. Suddenly she seemed like a different person.
8. 我試圖把歷史決定論描述為一種考慮周到而結構嚴謹的哲學。
I have tried to present historicism as a well-considered and close-knit philosophy .
9. 較少提問的互動產品會讓使用者感到更加聰明, 有禮貌和考慮周到.
Interactive products that ask fewer questions appear smarter to users, and more polite and considerate.
10. 他非常辛苦,東奔西走,但是同時他卻對演員和工作人員依然考慮周到。
He tried so hard to rush here and there but at the same time he still was very considerate to the actors and staffs.
considerate; be thoughtful