三年級的英文 三年級用英語怎麼說?
junior class
常用 重點詞彙
1. 三年級標誌著學習的新階段。
The third grade marks a new phase of learning.
2. 這些進步不會持續到三年級。
The gains are not sustained through the third grade.
3. 這是陽光學校三年級一班週一的課程表。
This is the school timetable of Class One, Grade Three, Sunshine School on Monday.
4. 你女兒可以插入三年級。
Your daughter can join Grade Three.
5. 三年級的課程通常涉及的領域較少但更深入。
Third-year courses typically cover less ground and go into more depth.
6. 三年級的時候我離開家,和大衛合租了一套公寓。
In my third year I left home and went flatting with David.
7. 她在約克大學讀經濟學三年級。
She's in her third year of economics at York University.
8. 她是從一年級直接跳到三年級的。
She skipped second grade.
9. 作者是南大傳播學院三年級學生.
The writer is a third year student of School of Communication Studies, NTU.
10. 我們三年級的時候有八門必修課.
We have 8 required courses in the third year.
junior class