附屬的英文 附屬用英語怎麼說?
auxiliary adj.輔助的;後備的;裝有輔助發動機的
subsidiary adj.次要的;附屬的;子公司的
attached adj.連線的;附加的;依戀的;喜愛的;被派往…擔任特殊任務的;相連的;與其他建築物(或房間)相鄰的;附屬的
affiliated adj.有關連的;附屬的;隸屬的;為……工作的
collateral n.抵押品;擔保品;旁系親屬
常用 權威
1. 附屬國
dependency; dependent state
2. 附屬品
accessory; appendage
3. 附屬地
dependent territory
4. 附屬醫院
hospital in affiliation; affiliated/attached hospital
5. 附屬卡
supplementary card
6. 附屬作業
auxiliary activity
7. 附屬協定
collateral agreement
8. 附屬建築物
9. 附屬協約
accessory contract
10. 附屬立法
subordinate legislation
11. 附屬小學
attached/affiliated primary/elementary school
12. 附屬中學
attached/affiliated middle school
1. 那所學院附屬於這所大學。
The college is affiliated to the university.
2. 顧客被告知仔細閱讀附屬細則。
Customers were warned to scrutinize the small print.
3. 房子後面一下子冒出了一批附屬建築。
There was a fungus of outbuildings behind the house.
4. 以前附屬教堂牧師人選由教區總教堂指派。
The chaplaincy was formerly manned by the cathedral.
5. 中國封建王朝的附屬國。
Tributaries of the Chinese empire.
6. 核對一下附屬細則,確保你知道所有的權利。
Check the small print and make sure you know your rights.
7. 取消或履行贖取權訴訟的理應有的附屬花費。
The costs properly incident to a suit for foreclosure or redemption.
8. 三門主幹課程及相關附屬科目組成的本科教程。
Undergraduate courses of three main subjects with related ancillaries.
9. 應收賬款附屬總帳:客戶應收賬款
Accounts receivable subsidiary ledger: customer accounts receivable
10. 浙江大學醫學院附屬婦產科醫院。
Women's Hospital School of Medicine Zhejiang Univer…
動詞 be affiliated/attached to
1. 那所學院附屬於這所大學。
The college is affiliated to the university.
形詞 auxiliary; subsidiary; attached; affiliated; collateral
1. 附屬作業
auxiliary activity
2. 附屬協約
accessory contract
3. 附屬立法
subordinate legislation
4. 附屬建築物
5. 附屬機構
auxiliary/subsidiary body