零散的英文 零散用英語怎麼說?
scattered adj.分散的;零散的;散亂的;疏落的
常用 權威
1. 匯攏零散資金
assemble the fragmentary funds
2. 人口分佈零散
thinly scattered population
3. 零散的證據
snippets of evidence
4. 零散的幾期雜誌
odd numbers of a magazine
1. 幾戶人家零零散散地分佈在河邊。
There are several houses scattered along the river.
2. 演說結束後,只有零零散散的掌聲。
The speech met with only sporadic applause.
3. 迪丹吉聽到槍聲變得越來越零散。
Dingee heard the firing becoming more sporadic.
4. 新手的期望大多是不現實和零散的。
The novice's expectation is inherently unrealistic and uninformed .
5. 在抽屜底只有一些零散的錢幣。
There are just a few loose coins at the back of the drawer.
6. 我思念的行李,孤孤單單,零零散散。
I miss the luggage, isolated lonely single, zero sporadic.
7. 去一趟人力資源部,彙總零散的資料。
Take a trip to human resources to tie up some loose ends.
8. 這幅由許多零散的色點組成.
The picture consisted of a lot of discrete spots of color.
9. 研究了零散貨物的裝載問題。
The bulk cargo loading problem is researched specially in this paper.
10. 讓我把零散的東西整理一下。
Let me get my bits and pieces together .
形詞 scattered
1. 演說結束後,只有零零散散的掌聲。
The speech met with only sporadic applause.
2. 幾戶人家零零散散地分佈在河邊。
There are several houses scattered along the river.
3. 零散的幾期雜誌
odd numbers of a magazine
4. 人口分佈零散
thinly scattered population