有力的英文 有力用英語怎麼說?
strong adj.強勁的;強有力的;強壯的;強固的;牢固的;堅牢的;濃烈的;濃重的;強變化的;強變格的;強
powerful adj.強大的;強有力的;大功率的;效力大的;有影響力的;影響大的
forceful adj.強有力的;堅強的;有力的
energetic adj.精力充沛的;充滿活力的;需要劇烈活動的;高能的;能量的
vigorous adj.充滿活力的;精力充沛的;精力旺盛的;犀利的;用力的;體力的;有力的;茁壯的
常用 權威
1. 強有力的措施
strong measures
2. 圓潤有力
smooth and vigorous
3. 強有力的代言人
strong voice
4. 鮮明有力
distinct and forceful
5. 鏗鏘有力
be rhythmic and forceful
6. 強有力的雙臂
strong arms
7. 論辯有力
strong argument
8. 剛勁有力
vigorous and forceful; firm and strong
9. 有力地抵抗
resist vigorously
10. 有力的論點
strong argument
11. 有力的反駁
powerful refutation
12. 準確有力的扣殺
accurate and powerful smashes
13. 有力的思想武器
powerful ideological weapon
14. 有力而溫柔的手
firm yet gentle hand
1. 它已經採取了強有力的行動。
It had already taken strong action.
2. 他告訴我這是一個非常有力的簡單行為。
He told me that it was a simple behavior which was very powerful.
3. 年輕人開始形成一套強有力的個人道德規範。
Young people are beginning to develop a strong set of personal ethics.
4. 這是一個強有力的論點,也是一個可怕的論點。
This is a powerful argument, and a scary one.
5. 他們的面龐強有力地傳遞出了一種絕望的資訊。
Their faces were so powerful in sending a message of their despair (絕望) .
6. 安東寧·斯卡利亞法官為國家特權提供了更有力的辯護。
Justice Antonin Scalia offered an even more robust defense of state privileges.
7. 需要有強有力的經濟激勵措施,才能讓企業在這裡落戶。
There needs to be strong economic incentives for companies to locate here.
8. 谷歌會給我們一個有力的錯覺,即所有問題都有明確的答案。
Google can give us the powerful illusion that all questions have definite answers.
9. 精美的插圖使文章顯得生動有力。
Elegant illustrations lend the articles graphic force.
10. 事實是對造謠者最有力的回答。
Facts are the most powerful rebuff to rumour-mongers.
基本解釋 1. [vigorous;strong;forceful]∶有力氣;有力量 2. [meritous]∶有功勞 有力於先君 3. [powerful]∶有權勢或有財力 本地有力的紳士人家 4.energetic 有活力的,有力氣的
形詞 strong; powerful; forceful; energetic; vigorous
1. 有力的思想武器
powerful ideological weapon
2. 提供有力的證據
provide compelling/powerful/ample/strong evidence; furnish convincing proof
3. 進行有力的鬥爭
conduct/wage a vigorous struggle; combat without mercy
4. 給予有力的支援
render strong support; offer/extend effective aid
5. 採取有力措施
take a potent/effective measure
6. 有力地抵抗
resist vigorously
7. 有力地打擊歪風邪氣
give evil practices a heavy/telling blow; hit hard at evil trends