休息室的英文 休息室用英語怎麼說?
lounge v.輕鬆地躺著
lobby n.大堂;穿堂;休息室;接待大廳;遊說集團;院外活動集團;國會分組投票廳;議會採訪記者;遊說活動
1. 貴賓休息室
reserved lounge for honoured guests; VIP lounge/room
2. 教員休息室
faculty room/lounge; common room
1. 教師休息室裡裝點著氣球和橫幅。
The staffroom was festooned with balloons and streamers.
2. 招聘廣告張貼在公共休息室裡的佈告牌上。
The jobs were advertised in a notice posted in the common room.
3. 你們有多少人?請到第一休息室。
How many of you? Please go ahead to foyer No. 1.
4. 休息室撐起一把大傘下的沙灘上。
Lounge on the beach under a large umbrella.
5. 歡迎來到格蘭芬多學院的休息室.
Welcome to the Gryffindor common room.
6. 兩個女演員在演員休息室聊天。
The two actresses were chatting with in a greenroom.
7. 吉恩攙扶妻子博比下樓梯去休息室。
Gene Bonti helps his wife Bobbie down steps into the couple's family room .
8. 整個公共休息室都屏住了呼吸。
The whole common room listened with bated breath.
9. 休息室裡放一座落地鍾會很漂亮的.
A grandfather clock would look great in the den.
10. 外面的小休息室裡又是另一番景象.
Outside in the little lobby another scene was begin enacted.