煙雨的英文 煙雨用英語怎麼說?
misty rain
常用 權威
1. 煙雨知道了雪兒已死,非常傷心。
Misty rain know cher dead, was very sad.
2. 愛已由這掩飾中疾馳而去如今象煙雨
Love has torn away this mask and now like clouds, like rain
3. 少女:煙雨奪——咦?!
Young girl: Misty rain seizes …Em?!
4. 霏霏煙雨,迷失了方向。
Misty rain started falling, lost its way.
5. 成就了淡夜煙雨繼而樓臺輕訴的欲語還羞。
The achievement pale night of misty rain subsequently the tower lightly has sued the desire language also shames.
6. 愛極這煙雨迷濛的季節,愛極這銀絲飄揚的日子.
I love most the misty rain season as well as the silver fluttering rain day.
7. 許炎告訴了許母殿下派人在秘密調查煙雨
Xu Yan told xu mother highness sent in secret investigation into the death of the misty rain incident.
8. 蜀中仙山峨嵋,漂浮於雲滔霧海,呈秀色於煙雨漫漫的山林.
Mount Emei in Sichuan with peaks peeping through mist and clouds.
9. 煙雨蒼茫,丁香姑娘傘下,那一襲彷徨的哀怨,總也描不出。
Amidst the vast, the lilac girl under the umbrella, that a loss of sorrow, always also draw out.
10. 這是自由狂放的,是寒山中的極致,遠峰、孤舟、煙雨和蕭寺,只是絕妙的陪襯。
This is free and unrestrained and the acme among cold mountains whilst remote peaks, lonely boat, mist and drizzle and desolate temple are but admirable setoff.
煙雨,漢語詞語,指濛濛細雨。例句為“在那煙雨瀰漫的季節,我來到湘西一個叫王家莊的村子裡。” 煙雨的近義詞為霧靄、陰霾、霧霾。相關古文包括南朝宋鮑照《觀漏賦》:“聊弭志以高歌,順煙雨而沈逸。”
詞語,像煙霧那樣的細雨 亦作“煙雨”如濛濛細雨。2005年5月18日,煙雨公會誕生!煙雨網路是一個團結友愛,互助互利的公會。完美網路,開心遊戲。自建立後,逐漸的擁有了一些幹練負責的管理職能部門,積累了豐富的工會管理和組織經驗; 有一群有熱情、有朝氣、有經驗的遊戲玩家,目前會員人數超過3000名! 旗下有傳奇、天龍八部、軒轅傳奇、傳奇世界、御龍在天、出發OL等分會。還有歌詞介紹如下
名詞 misty rain
1. 煙雨濛濛。
The fine rain is drizzling in the misty weather.