有錢人的英文 有錢人用英語怎麼說?
the rich 富人;富國;富裕
常用 重點詞彙
1. 這意味著高爾夫球場只對有錢人開放。
That means that the golf course will only be available to people with lots of money.
2. 和大多數地方一樣,有錢人確實過得很好。
As in most places, those who have money live well indeed.
3. 我住在芒通鎮,一個安靜,簡樸,愜意的地方,這地方有錢人
I live in Mentone, a quiet, simple, restful place, where the rich never come.
4. 她在父母的強迫下嫁給了一個有錢人。
She married a rich man under the parental coercion.
5. 擁有汽車仍是有錢人的特權。
Owning a motor car was still the prerogative of the rich.
6. 只是有錢人的特權才使他擺脫了貧賤的出身。
Only moneyed privilege had kept him out of the gutter.
7. 對有錢人世界的窺探。
A glimpse into the world of the well heeled.
8. 與流行的錯誤看法相反,東南地區並不全是有錢人。
[mass noun]contrary to popular myth, the south-east does not consist entirely of rich people.
9. 那把小提琴落到了一個對音樂一知半解的有錢人手裡。
The violin passed into the arms of a wealthy dilettante.
10. 只對有電話的人進行抽樣調查將使有錢人的代表超過比例。
Using telephone owners as the sampling list would seriously over-represent the better off.
the wealthy; the rich