忽悠的英文 忽悠用英語怎麼說?
flicker v.閃爍;顫動;快速抖動;搖曳;忽隱忽現;閃現;閃過;快速瞥視
sway v.搖擺;擺動;管理;控制;統治
常用 權威
1. 他忽悠我跟他一起看了電影。
He managed to sweet-talk me into going to the movie with him.
2. 夜晚,我們看見他們的篝火在遠處忽悠。
At night we saw their campfires flickering in the distance.
3. 我想你大概會說我是在忽悠
I suppose you could say I'm just winging it.
4. 他忽悠騙得我相信他是清白的。
He bluffed me into believing that he was innocent.
5. 正因為這樣笑可以被稱為忽悠。
There is a reason laughter can be called DISARMING.
6. 這樣的話就忽悠了百度和雅虎!
Such word with respect to flicker Baidu and Yahoo!
7. 約翰的回 答是一個詞:“忽悠”。
John answered in one word: 'Cheat.'
8. 這個人拿一個假鑽石忽悠了我。
This guy fobbed off a fake diamond on me.
9. 這輛舊馬車忽忽悠悠走過大街.
The old cart wobbled down the street.
10. 這個股民被忽悠,買了垃圾股。
The investor was bamboozled into buying junk bond .
忽悠是一個漢語詞彙,拼音是hū yōu,意思是晃動貌,在東北方言中指“能言善談”,後經喜劇名家趙本山在《賣柺》、《賣車》等小品中推廣,忽悠一詞還指“欺騙、矇騙”,已成為網路流行詞語。出自陶爾夫 《伐木者的旅行》:“忽悠一下栽下去,只覺眼前一片烏黑。” 管樺 《不要讓汽燈滅了》:“離火線三四里地,大炮咕咚咕咚,把房子震的直忽悠。
動詞 flicker; sway
1. 夜晚,我們看見他們的篝火在遠處忽悠。
At night we saw their campfires flickering in the distance.
動詞 sweet-talk; play tricks (on);
1. 他忽悠我跟他一起看了電影。
He managed to sweet-talk me into going to the movie with him.