掛上的英文 掛上用英語怎麼說?
mount v.登;發動;開展;增加;增長;安裝…於高處;登上;設定;鑲嵌;設立
1. 他砰然掛上電話。
He whanged down the receiver.
2. 那麼,掛上去!我們可以出發了。
Hang on, then! We may as well get started.
3. 每年夏天我都會在床上掛上蚊帳。
I hang a mosquito net over my bed every summer.
4. 他很同情,並且準備掛上電話。
He sympathized and started to hang up.
5. 伯納掛上電話,匆匆上了房頂。
Bernard hung up the receiver and hurried up to the roof.
6. 選擇一面合適的牆,掛上飛鏢的靶。
Choose the right side of the wall, hang a dart target.
7. 板十分生氣,用力掛上話筒回去睡覺。
That he slammed down the receiver and went back to sleep.
8. 藕夾入麵漿掛上麵糊,溫油炸至金黃。
Then dip the raw sandwich in flour paste and fry until it turns golden.
9. 我們給窗戶掛上綠藍窗框吧.
Let us hang the windows with green curtains.
10. 加油完畢,掛上油槍即完成一次加油。
Hang on the nozzle, means a refueling is completed.