末端的英文 末端用英語怎麼說?
end n.最後部分;末尾;端;稍;盡頭;目的;目標;一陣;一回;邊鋒
terminal adj.末端的;終點的;結尾的;極限的;末期的;晚期的;不治的;致命的;學期的;期末的;按期的;定期的;終止的
常用 權威
1. 科學家們最感興趣的是與染色體末端相連的部分。
The scientists were most interested in parts connected to the ends of the chromosomes.
2. 端粒保護著染色體的末端
Telomeres protect the ends of chromosomes, which shorten each time a cell divides.
3. 末端訊號是在編碼區的下游發現的。
A termination signal was found downstream from the coding region.
4. 兩扇長玻璃窗幾乎佔據了全部末端牆面。
Two long windows occupied almost the whole of the end wall.
5. 末端有個鉤子的一段鐵絲。
A length of wire with a hook at the end.
6. 檢查確認管子末端和壓縮螺帽並未彎曲變形。
Check that the pipe end and compression nut are not bent out of shape.
7. 從發端梳到髮根,慢慢地梳理開末端的結
[with obj. and adverbial or complement]comb hair from tip to root, working out the knots at the end
8. 電纜的末端與一個尾隨浮筒相連。
A tail buoy is connected to the far end of the cable .
9. 他們在一條河流的末端圍在一處。
They had gathered in a circle at the bottom of a stream.
10. 在末端中形成至少一個末端溝道。
At least one termination trench is formed in the termination.
名詞 end; terminal