直到現在的英文 直到現在用英語怎麼說?
so far 到這種程度, 到目前為止, 迄今為止
up to now 到現在;直到現在;直至現在
常用 重點詞彙
1. 她直到現在還是單身。
She has remained single up to now.
2. 直到現在我對選舉改革一直相當懷疑。
Until now I've been fairly agnostic about electoral reform.
3. 直到現在這個國家還沒有遭受在其他地方發生的暴力事件。
The country had until now been spared the violence occurring elsewhere.
4. 直到現在才確定了它的準確位置。
It has taken until now to pin down its exact location.
5. 這兩派人馬分庭抗禮,直到現在.
The two military groups have stood as equals up to now.
6. 直到現在我還能回憶起這幅夜景。
I can recall this evening scene even now.
7. 財寶是誰偷的直到現在還沒查出來。
Who stole the treasure hasn't been known till now.
8. 直到現在還是過著流浪的生活。
And so far I still live the life of a vagrant.
9. 這段記憶直到現在還刺痛著她。
The memory of his mockery still stung.
10. 直到現在,我才開始相信它了。
Now I’m beginning to believe it.
so far; up to now