瞧不起的英文 瞧不起用英語怎麼說?
despise v.鄙視;厭惡
常用 權威
1. 瞧不起別人
look down upon others
2. 非常瞧不起
hold sb in high scorn
1. 即使很小的孩子也往往瞧不起超重的人。
Even very young children tend to look down on the overweight.
2. 他喝了幾天墨水就瞧不起家鄉人了。
As he has got some schooling, he looks down upon the folks in his hometown.
3. 他瞧不起所有比他窮的人。
He acted high-hat towards anyone poorer than he.
4. 長篇和短篇小說一直是被瞧不起的。
Novels and short stories have been disesteemed.
5. 雖然他個子比我大,但是他從沒瞧不起我。
Even though he was bigger, he never looked down on me.
6. 我瞧不起地方主義政治。
I looked down on parish-pump politics.
7. 他瞧不起他們所有的人,尤其是西爾維斯特。
He despised them all, especially Sylvester.
8. 如果我聽見誰言語間瞧不起你,我會立刻火冒三丈。
If I were to hear anyone speak slightingly of you, I should fire up in a moment.
9. 他想賺錢,但又瞧不起錢,簡單地說,這就是德恩的兩難之處。
He wants to make money, but he also disapproves of it: Den's dilemma in a nutshell.
10. 他們總是很瞧不起我合作的公司。
They are always pooh-poohing the companies that I work with.
瞧不起 拼音:qiáobuqǐ 注音:ㄑㄧㄠˊ ㄅㄨˋ ㄑㄧˇ
動詞 look down upon/on; despise; have no/little regard for; turn up one's nose at; hold in contempt; treat with disdain; have a low opinion of
1. 他瞧不起所有比他窮的人。
He acted high-hat towards anyone poorer than he.
2. 非常瞧不起
hold sb in high scorn
3. 瞧不起別人
look down upon others