輸掉比賽的英文 輸掉比賽用英語怎麼說?
lose the game phr.輸掉比賽
常用 重點詞彙
1. 他的團隊因為他輸掉了比賽。
His team had lost the game because of him.
2. 第二局時她因一時走神而輸掉了比賽。
A lapse of concentration in the second set cost her the match.
3. 她贏得/輸掉了比賽。
She won/lost the race.
4. 由於輸掉比賽,整隊都陷入困境.
The whole team was in the doghouse because they lost the game.
5. 輸掉比賽的人要喝乾一杯啤酒.
The loser of a game is required to chug a beer.
6. 你知道嗎莉莉責怪湯姆輸掉了比賽?
Do you know that Lily blamed Tom for losing the game?
7. 我恐怕他會輸掉比賽。
M afraid he is going to lose the match.
8. 如果我們此時得分,我們肯定將不會輸掉比賽。
If we had scored then, certainly we don't lose.
9. 我意識到,我讓荷蘭隊和我的隊友輸掉了比賽。
I realised that I'd let Holland and my team-mates down.
10. 荷蘭人說他從未想過輸掉比賽,即使局面很糟糕。
The Dutchman confessed that he never thought of losing a game which seemed to turn out badly.
lose the game; lose the competition