出事故的英文 出事故用英語怎麼說?
have an accident
常用 重點詞彙
1. 不得了了,出事故啦!
It’s awful! There has been an accident.
2. 他駕駛時走神兒了,幾乎出事故.
His absence of mind while driving nearly caused an accident.
3. 在出事故之前,我從不繫安全帶。
Before I got into the accident, I never wore a seat belt.
4. 我們消除裝置的隱患,防止出事故.
We removed a hidden danger in the equipment to avoid accidents.
5. 火車出事故了,人們會排著隊去獻血。
If a train crashes, people will line up to give blood.
6. 我聽說,布賴恩出事故以後病得很重.
I hear that Brian is in a bad way after his accident.
7. 邁克昨天出事故了。
Michale had an accident yesterday.
8. 生氣!克魯茲感覺受到了傷害。他的飛機就要出事故了。
Angry! Klotz's feelings are hurt!His plane is moments from disaster.
9. 我們的剎車有點問題,所以我們想在出事故前離開這裡。
Our brakes are no good, so we wanted to get there before we had an accident!
10. 一輛配備有精密行動式醫療診斷裝置的救護車能診斷出事故受害者的多種傷勢。
An ambulance equipped with sophisticated portable medical diagnostic equipment could have the ability to assess multiple injuries of the victim of an accident.
have an accident