牽連的英文 牽連用英語怎麼說?
tie up with 和...聯絡緊密;和...有(密切)關係;牽連...
integrate with 整合;使…結合在一起;與…結合在一起
常用 權威
1. 牽連犯
implicated offender
1. 與此事有牽連的人已被停職。
People involved in the incident have been suspended from their duties.
2. 這一供認會使許多官員牽連到賄賂案中。
This confession implicated numerous officials in the bribery.
3. 這兩件事是互相牽連的,一定要妥善處理。
The two matters are tied up with each other and must be handled with the utmost discretion.
4. 他與一項陰謀有牽連。
He got/was entangled in a plot.
5. 他拒絕回答問題,以免受牽連。
He refused to answer questions in order not to incriminate himself.
6. 一個無辜而受牽連
An innocent bystander.
7. 我們與這些問題的牽連。
Our implication in the problems.
8. 被發現有牽連的任何官員都將被立即解職。
Any official found to be involved would be sacked on the spot.
9. 他因與一起武器盜竊案有牽連而被警方通緝。
He is wanted by the police in connection with an arms theft.
10. 任何與共和黨的事業有牽連者都可能有生命危險。
Anyone linked with the Republican cause would be in peril of their life.
動詞 involve (in trouble)
1. 這一供認會使許多官員牽連到賄賂案中。
This confession implicated numerous officials in the bribery.
2. 他與一項陰謀有牽連。
He got/was entangled in a plot.
3. 否認與此案有任何牽連
deny any involvement in the case
4. 被牽連進謀殺/搶劫/詐騙案
be embroiled in the murder/robbery/fraud
動詞 tie up with; integrate with
1. 這兩件事是互相牽連的,一定要妥善處理。
The two matters are tied up with each other and must be handled with the utmost discretion.