離的英文 離用英語怎麼說?
leave v.離開;離去;讓…留下;使處於某種狀態;離職;剩下;寄存;輟學;遺贈;忘記帶走
depart from 背離;偏離;離開
part from 向...告別;使分開;(使)拿出錢來
lack n.沒有;缺乏
be short of 短缺;缺乏;缺少
be independent of 獨立於…, 與...無關
li n.裡
常用 權威
1. 離瓣花
polypetalous/choripetalous flower
2. 離瓣花類
3. 光致電離
4. 離九點還差一刻
a quarter to nine
1. 額外的好處是,它離火車總站很近。
As an added bonus, it's close to the main train station.
2. 要麼和她分手,要麼離我遠點。
Either break up with her, or leave me alone.
3. 但這些失敗讓他離成功又近了一步。
But those failures put him one step closer to success.
4. 它的最高點離地面175米。
At its highest point, it is 175 meters off the ground.
5. 一個麥克風放在離他們10釐米的地方。
A microphone was placed 10cm away from them.
6. 這些照片是在離火星不同的距離拍攝的。
The pictures were taken at different distances from Mars.
7. 惡魔島離大陸一英里多。
Alcatraz is over a mile from the mainland.
8. 離站立位置5米高。
5 meters high from a standing position.
9. 報道稱一些金條散落在離機場15英里的地方。
Reports suggest some bars of gold were scattered up to 15 miles away from the airport.
10. 有些舞者可以在離地面僅20釐米的杆子下跳舞!
Some dancers can dance under a pole just twenty centimeters off the ground!
動詞 leave; depart from; part from; be separate from
1. 水手們獲准離船上岸。
The sailors were given shore leave.
2. 少小離家老大還
leave home young and return old
3. 離京赴滬
leave Beijing for Shanghai
動詞 be apart/away from; be at a distance from
1. 我們的工作離要求還很遠。
Our work falls far short of the expected standard.
2. 體育館離我們學校很遠。
The gymnasium is far away from our school.
3. 離這兒不超過一公里。
It's not farther than a kilometre from here.
4. 離我們動身還有十天。
There are ten days left before we go.
5. 離考試還有兩個星期。
The examination is still two weeks away.
動詞 lack; be short of; be without; be independent of
1. 他年事已高,身邊離不開人。
He is advanced in years, and needs someone to watch over him all the time.
2. 這件事離了你不行。
It won't do without you.
3. 所有生物都離不開空氣和水。
All living things would die without air and water.
4. 經濟建設離了科學技術不行。
Economic development can only thrive on science and technology.
名詞 li [one of the Eight Trigrams(八卦), representing fire (☲)]