轉學的英文 轉學用英語怎麼說?
(of a student) transfer from one school to another
常用 權威
1. 她試過轉學,但似乎從不受歡迎。
She tried changing schools, but she never seemed to be welcomed.
2. 克萊爾轉學後結識了許多新朋友。
When Claire changed schools, she met many new people.
3. 各設計引數介紹轉學至六部分機翼。
The various design parameters are introduced before moving on to a six-segment airfoil.
4. 如果您允許, 我想申請轉學.
With your permission, I should like to put in for a transfer.
5. 他將兒子轉學到另一所學校。
He transferred his son to another school.
6. 凱莉從康乃爾大學轉學到了杜克大學.
Kelly transferred from Cornell University to Duke University.
7. 報道的時候要出示轉學證書.
You need to provide your transfer in enrolment.
8. 轉學對我的一生有重大影響。
Changing jobs made a big difference to my life.
9. 她進大學時學英語,但年轉學商務了。
She started studying English at college, but switched to Business Studies in her second year.
10. 為了不讓父母知道這些事,他轉學到了迪安扎。
So he readily lived up to his bargain with his parents and transferred to De Anza.
學生轉往另一個學校學習。 錢鍾書 《圍城》七:“她前年逃難到內地,該進大學四年級,四年級生不許轉學。”
動詞 (of a student) transfer from one school to another