突然出現的英文 突然出現用英語怎麼說?
crop up 意外地出現;意外地發生;意外地引起注意
burst in 闖入;突然出現;打斷
bob up 突然露面;浮起
pop up 突然出現;彈出;意外發生;自動彈出
常用 重點詞彙
1. 作為可靠的證據突然出現。
Comes across as reliable evidence.
2. 發明這臺機器的想法突然出現在陳的腦海裡。
The idea of the machine came to Chen's mind in a sudden.
3. 當交通燈變紅時,一輛汽車突然出現在拐角處。
While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner.
4. 黑暗中突然出現一道亮光。
A light gleamed in the darkness.
5. 事情突然出現了新情況。
Things suddenly took on a new complexion.
6. 青蛙大吃突然出現的大量昆蟲。
The frogs feast on the great flush of insects.
7. 她女兒的突然出現嚇了她一跳。
The sudden appearance of her daughter startled her.
8. 本週似乎有比以往更多的問題突然出現在她的辦公桌上。
There seemed to be more problems than ever landing on her desk this week.
9. 警察突然出現, 小偷就逃跑了。
The sudden appearance of a policeman caused the thief to run away.
10. 他面前突然出現一個陡峭的斜坡。
An abrupt descent suddenly appeared before him.
crop up; burst in; bob up; drop from the skies; pop up