大聲叫喊的英文 大聲叫喊用英語怎麼說?
holler v.叫喊
sing out 唱出來;放聲
hue n.顏色;色彩;色調;色度;色澤;外觀;特性
常用 重點詞彙
1. 大聲叫喊是消除心頭壓力的一種有效方法。
Yelling is an ace way of getting stress out of your system.
2. 在辦公室關著的門後發了一通脾氣後,他走出來朝她大聲叫喊。
After steaming behind the closed door in his office, he came out and screamed at her.
3. 其他人則大聲叫喊和發狂的尖叫。
Others were shouting and screaming wildly.
4. 發言者一邊揮舞手臂一邊大聲叫喊.
The speaker sawed the air as he cried loudly.
5. 重新敘述對方大聲叫喊的內容。
Restate what he's yelling about.
6. 他大聲叫喊:“立刻停演。”
He shouted, \Stop the play at once.\
7. 對父母大聲叫喊是不禮貌的。
It's rude to shout at parents.
8. 在中國,你最好不要在首都大聲叫喊。
I happened that in China you better not shout out in the heart of capital.
9. 她大聲叫喊,壓倒了管樂隊。
She's yelling to beat the band.
10. 有時他會對著詞典發怒,並大聲叫喊。
The bag-toters and mutterers who spend all their time there? “Sometimes I get angry at the dictionary and let loose with a muffled yell.”
holler; sing out; hue