集中於的英文 集中於用英語怎麼說?
fasten v.把…關緊;把…扣住;被關緊;被扣(或縛)住;把…固定(或保持)在適當位置上;把(眼睛、思想、感情等)集中於;把(責任)歸於;挑出;選定…並對其全神貫注;把線頭縫住
be bent on 執意;一心要
concentrate on 集中精力於...;專注於
converge on vphr.彙集;集中;趨同
常用 重點詞彙
1. 紡織工業集中於蘭開夏郡及約克郡。
The textile industry was centred in Lancashire and Yorkshire.
2. 增發的貨幣主要集中於第四季度。
Much of the overshooting of the monetary targets occurred in the fourth quarter.
3. 在許多國家權力集中於中央政府。
In many countries power rests with a strong centralized government.
4. 新的音樂播放器集中於音樂本身!
New music player focused on the music itself!
5. 流行季節集中於寒冷及高溫季節。
The epidemic season was to mainly in the cold and hot seasons.
6. 建造者集中於建立一個星球帝國。
The Builder focuses on building a planetary empire.
7. 我們將集中於戰略發展的投資。
We will be concentrating on strategic growth investments.
8. 最初我們的活動僅集中於中歐市場。
Initially our activity was focused only on the Central European market.
9. 對侵蝕問題的研究集中於細溝侵蝕上。
The study of erosion is focused on the rill erosion process.
10. 城市暴力集中於有色人種的貧困社群。
Urban violence concentrates among poor communities of color.
fasten; fasten on; be bent on; concentrate on; converge on