翻滾的英文 翻滾用英語怎麼說?
seethe v.沸騰;冒泡;翻騰;煮;起泡;怒火中燒;生悶氣;熙熙攘攘;密集;充滿
churn n.攪乳器;盛奶大金屬罐
常用 權威
1. 你不能翻滾時鐘,移除所有異域生物或修復棲息地。
You can't roll back the clock and remove all exotics or fix habitats.
2. 小貓在地板上翻滾嬉戲。
The kittens tumbled about on the floor.
3. 那輛車翻滾下了山坡。
The car tumbled down the mountainside.
4. 天上烏雲翻滾。
The black clouds rolled about in the sky.
5. 江中浪花翻滾。
The waves are rolling in the river.
6. 那些水流翻滾著,洶湧而又渾濁。
Those waters were roily, high and muddy.
7. 在他腳趾間嘎吱嘎吱地翻滾著的泥土。
Squelchy clay that fretted between his toes.
8. 溪流冒著泡沫,翻滾流動。
The streams foam and welter.
9. 他們在塵土裡翻滾扭打。
They rolled and fought in the dust.
10. 海在她下方翻滾著。
The sea roiled below her.
動詞 seethe; churn
1. 海浪翻滾。
The sea was seething.
2. 天上烏雲翻滾。
The black clouds rolled about in the sky.
動詞 roll/toss about; tumble about
1. 小貓在地板上翻滾嬉戲。
The kittens tumbled about on the floor.
2. 那輛車翻滾下了山坡。
The car tumbled down the mountainside.
3. 痛得在地上直翻滾
writhe on the ground in agony