郵費的英文 郵費用英語怎麼說?
postage n.郵寄;郵遞;郵資;郵費
常用 權威
1. 郵費價目表
postal tariff; schedule of postal charges
2. 郵費在內
postage included
3. 航空郵費
airmail postage
4. 郵費付訖
postage paid
5. 付郵費
pay the postage
6. 特快郵費
express charges
7. 調整郵費
adjust postage
1. 書價包括郵費
The price of the books includes postage and packing.
2. 郵費上漲了10%。
Postal charges are going up by 10%.
3. 它是24.99英鎊,包括郵費。
It's £24.99, including postage.
4. 好的.您的郵費是三百二十五元.
OK, the postage is 325 Yuan.
5. 總共四百元,包括郵費和包裝費。
S: Four hundred yuan altogether, including the postage and the charge for packing.
6. 這個透過航空郵寄的郵費是多少?
How much is the postage of the package by air.
7. 寄往加拿大的航空信要多少郵費?
How much is the postage for an airmail letter to Canada?
8. 請問這些信寄到印度郵費是多少?
Whats the postage on these letters to India, please?
9. 費用為1鎊,外加10便士郵費.
The cost is a pound plus 10 pence for postage.
10. 400克,郵費9美元80美分。
It's 400 grams which is nine dollars eighty cents.
名詞 postal charges/rates; postage
1. 這封信的郵費是多少?
What is the postage on the letter?
2. 郵費上漲了10%。
Postal charges are going up by 10%.
3. 航空郵費
airmail postage
4. 郵費付訖
postage paid
5. 調整郵費
adjust postage
6. 付郵費
pay the postage