刺痛的英文 刺痛用英語怎麼說?
tingle v.感到刺痛;受到刺激;刺激;使感到刺痛;生髮;產生
sting n.螫針;螫刺;精心策劃的行動;刺痛;蜇傷;刺傷;刺毛;灼痛;傷害性;傷害的後果
prick v.刺;戳;扎;尤指馬或狗)使(耳朵)豎起;使直立;感到刺痛;引起刺痛;發酸;刺傷感情;使內心痛苦
twinge n.劇痛;陣痛;痛苦;內疚
常用 權威
1. 消除刺痛
take away the sting
1. 荊棘刺刺痛了她的手指,血流了出來。
The thorns (刺) hurt her fingers and blood came out.
2. 斑馬小心翼翼地把手伸進去,但是荊棘刺痛了他。
Carefully, Zebra reached into it, but the thorns hurt him.
3. 我的刺痛有點疼,但我很高興一切都解決了,我可以幫助你。
My stings are a bit painful but I'm pleased it all worked out and I could help.
4. 雖然死亡很少見,但這種刺痛會導致極度疼痛並使人停止呼吸。
Although fatalities are rare, the stings can cause extreme pain and stop people breathing.
5. 他說這話時,我的心在刺痛。
When he said this, my mind prickled.
6. 這念頭像刀一樣刺痛了他。
The thought stabbed through him like a knife.
7. 凱思琳感到一陣令人激動的刺痛。
Kathleen felt a prickle of excitement.
8. 她感覺頭皮一陣刺痛,手心潮溼。
She felt her scalp prick and her palms were damp.
9. 內心因憤怒和輕蔑而感到刺痛。
Inly stung with anger and disdain.
10. 被她的嘲笑刺痛,弗朗基垂下了頭。
Stung by her mockery, Frankie hung his head.
刺激皮肉而感到疼痛:感到劇烈的燒灼樣的疼痛。 ②用於比喻:使他的手感到刺痛的——掌擊。③中醫學名詞,指疼痛如針刺之狀。是淤血致痛的特徵之一。刺痛以胸脅脘腹等處較為常見,多系血淤所致。刺痛見於目部,多為心肝火毒;刺痛見於莖中,為心經火熱下移於小腸;刺痛見於小腹,則為溼熱下注,沙石阻止;刺痛見於咽喉,為外感風熱、風寒,或溼熱上攻,或鬱火結於咽喉。
動詞 tingle; sting; prick
1. 這念頭像刀一樣刺痛了他。
The thought stabbed through him like a knife.
2. 他說這話時,我的心在刺痛。
When he said this, my mind prickled.
3. 傷口的刺痛
sting/smart of a wound/cut
4. 深深刺痛某人的心
cut sb to the quick; hurt sb deeply
5. 一陣刺痛
have a tingle (as in muscles)
名詞 twinge; tingle; sting; prick
1. 消除刺痛
take away the sting
2. 感到刺痛
feel a sting/twinge/prick