把持的英文 把持用英語怎麼說?
dominate v.支配;統治;控制;俯瞰;成為…中最重要(或最顯眼)的人;高聳於
manipulate v.操作;使用;操縱;控制;修改;推拿;篡改;偽造
monopolize v.壟斷;對…實行專賣;獨佔;佔有…的最大部分;全部佔有;完全控制
常用 權威
1. 牢牢把持
grip tightly
2. 把持不定
be week-willed; be feeble-minded
3. 把持一切
keep everything under one's control
4. 把持朝政
dominate in the court
1. 我們部門由小集團把持著。
Our department is very cliquy.
2. 他們在農村把持許多黨、政府和民眾團體的組織,作威作福,欺壓人民。
In the rural areas they controlled a number of Party, government and people’s organizations, tyrannically abusing their power and riding roughshod over the people.
3. 愛意如此濃烈,我早已無法把持。
The feeling so strong, I had no control.
4. 她把持著讓我一直在她身體裡。
She kept holding me inside her.
5. 停火之後把持這種病很輕易也可行。
Sy and feasible to control the disease after cease-fire.
6. 這俱樂部被知識分子小集團把持著.
The club is dominate by a small clique of intellectual.
7. 別把持著餅乾不放,傳給大家.
Stop hogging the biscuits and pass them round!
8. 人們指責他把持了地方會議。
He was accused of manipulating the local council.
9. 那是仍然由熊市把持的點位.
The bear market would still be in control.
10. 把持眾種相同技能是安排師的必修課.
Variety communication skills is a required course for designers.
把持(英文:dominate),讀音bǎ chí,漢語詞語,指的是獨攬大權或獨佔位置,不讓別人參與;也指控制。例句有“這件事他把持不定,無法作決定”。 相關古文有“諸有鋒刃之器,所以能斷斬割削者,手能把持之也,力能推引之也。”出自漢代王充《論衡效力》,相關近義詞有支配、獨攬、獨霸。
動詞 dominate; manipulate; have exclusive control of; monopolize
1. 牢牢把持
grip tightly
2. 把持不定
be week-willed; be feeble-minded
3. 把持包辦
keep everything in one's own hand; control and monopolize
4. 把持政權
monopolize/manipulate political power
5. 把持一切
keep everything under one's control
6. 把持股市/傳媒
manipulate the stock market/the mass media
7. 把持公司內一切重要職位
occupy all the key positions in the corporation
8. 把持朝政
dominate in the court
9. 把持財權
have/maintain the monopoly of financial authority/power
動詞 control (one's feelings, etc)
1. 把持不住自己
can hardly control oneself; lose control over oneself