照相館的英文 照相館用英語怎麼說?
photo studio
1. 昨天我在照相館拍了一張全身照.
Yesterday I had my picture taken at the studio at full length.
2. 他和新婚妻子來到照相館照相.
He came to the photo studio with his newly married wife.
3. 我請教照相館放大一張我小孩的照片。
I asked the photo shop to enlarge a picture of my children.
4. 照相館裡用的是專用相機。
In the photographer's, they use studio cameras.
5. 這家照相館應用新技術使快照成為可能.
This photo studio applies new technology to make an instantaneous photograph possible.
6. 拍了一天的照片後,艾凡回到那家照相館.
Evan goes back to the photography shop after a day of shooting.
7. 艾凡找到一家照相館,走進去和店員講話。
Evan finds a photography shop , goes in, and talks with the clerk .
8. 照相館在生意最好的月份能賺到1百萬臺幣。
The studio makes up to NT$ 1 million in busy months.
9. 他們到照相館去照相.
They go to the studio to have their photo take.
10. 全市的照相館用的照相紙都是他們公司生產的.
All the photo studios in the city use the photographic paper produced by their company.
《照相館》(寫眞館)是由Studio Colorido、Mode Films製作,中村孝執導並擔任編劇的日本動畫短片,時長17分鐘,於2013年11月9日在日本上映。 該動畫講述了戰爭開始前,某天一對夫婦來到山坡上照相館內,照相館的店主把夫人的笑容儲存在了照片裡,第二年,夫婦帶著他們的愛女再次來到照相館的故事。 2013年,獲得第17屆日本文化廳媒體藝術祭審查委員會推薦作品獎。