無規律的英文 無規律用英語怎麼說?
disorder n.混亂;凌亂;疾病;異常;騷亂;動亂;失調;失常
irregularity n.不規則;無規律;不平整;不規範;不正當行為;不合規則的事
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我的工作無規律可言。
There is no regularity about my work.
2. 幾棵翠綠的枝條無規律地長在周圍.
A few green branches reached down a little disorderly at the side.
3. 從這裡開出的火車是無規律
The trains from here are irregular.
4. 無規律連續的起伏不定,變化。
To continually change or vary in an irregular way.
5. 公共汽車非常無規律.
The bus service is very irregular.
6. 因為收縮而導致的塗層細小的,無規律的破裂。
Fine, random cracks or fissures in a paint film, caused by shrinkage.
7. 知識以一種緩慢的、無規律的方式在公司內流動.
Knowledge flows through the company in a sluggish and erratic manner.
8. 漁業大原則所有的漁業若是無規律的將變成無利益的。
Great Law of Fishing All fisheries that are unregulated become unprofitable.
9. 注意在纖維上有許多無規律暗紅的呈波浪狀的收縮帶經過.
Note the many irregular darker pink wavy contraction bands extending across the fibers.
10. 紊亂的,混亂的,無規律的:處於混亂或紊亂的狀況中的。
Being in a condition of confusion or disarray.
disorder; irregularity