房價的英文 房價用英語怎麼說?
house price; housing price/value
常用 權威
1. 票房價值
box-office value
2. 房價指數
house price index
1. 它們(美國城市)的房價與其繁榮有關。
Their housing prices were linked with their prosperity.
2. 新的房價是每晚199美元,而不是原來的179美元。
The new rate is $199 per night, instead of the original $179.
3. 這個城市的房價高得讓人望而卻步。
The cost of property in the city is prohibitive.
4. 昨日房價大跌,跌幅達10%。
Yesterday saw a sharp fall in house prices, with a drop of 10 per cent.
5. 房價一時不會跌到目前的價格以下。
The price of houses is not likely to fall below the present level for some time to come.
6. 房價太高,買不起,只好罷了。
I gave up because of the price of the apartment.
7. 僅僅依靠限購降低房價恐難藥到病除。
It might be difficult to reduce the housing price effectively by limiting home purchasing alone.
8. 房價保險還會繼續上漲。
It’s a safe bet that house prices will continue to rise.
9. 我必須先付房價的10%作為定金。
I had to deposit 10% of the price of the house.
10. 他認為房價年末會小幅回升。
He believed house prices would firm by the end of the year.
房價(房地產價格)指建築物連同其佔用土地在特定時間段內房產的市場價值,即房價=土地價格+建築物價格。它房地產經濟執行和資源配置最重要的調節機制,其價格定位由多種因素構成。 房價有三種存在形式:要約價格、成交價格、申報價格。要約價格隨市場行情隨時波動,成交價格是供需雙方博弈後的結果,申報價格是向政府管理部門登記的結果。
名詞 house price; housing price/value
1. 房價還會繼續上漲。
Housing prices will continue to rise.
2. 房價指數
house price index