被分為的英文 被分為用英語怎麼說?
be divided into 分為;分成;被分為
常用 重點詞彙
1. 加勒比海島嶼被分為兩個世界,一個富裕的世界和一個貧窮的世界。
The Caribbean islands are divided into two worlds, a rich one and a poor one.
2. 地球被分為二十四個時區。
The earth is divided into 24 time zones.
3. 二戰後德國被一分為二,不再是一個政治統一體。
After the Second World War Germany has been divided; it is no longer one political entity.
4. 我們的教程被分為兩個簡要的階段
Our tutorial is divided into two brief stages
5. 接著他們被分為紅色和藍色兩組.
Participants were subsequently assigned into two groups, color - coded either red or blue.
6. 法律有時被分為實體法和程式法.
They are sometimes classified as substantive law and procedural law.
7. 這些方法可以大體被分為兩類.
These methods can be grossly divided into two groups.
8. 在基輔號內部, 機庫被一分為二.
Inside the Kiev, the hangar bay is divided into two.
9. 傳統上,經濟體系被分為三個部門。
The economy has traditionally been divided into three sectors.
10. 法律還經常被分為公法和私法.
Law is also frequently classified into areas of public and private law.
be segmented into; be divided into