已到達的英文 已到達用英語怎麼說?
in prep.在…裡;在…中;在…期間;在…以後;在…狀態中;在…情況裡;包含在…裡;牽涉在…中;從事…;用…語言;以…媒介;在…過程中;佔(總體)…(比例)
常用 重點詞彙
1. 收盤時道瓊斯平均指數已到達2,759.84點,下降了13.52點。
By the close the Dow Jones average was down 13.52 Points at 2,759.84.
2. 不久前,載人火箭已到達了月球.
Recently rockets with men inside them have reached the moon.
3. 法國客人星期一已到達了北京。
French visitors have arrived in Beijing since Monday.
4. 他們的罪惡已到達神那裡。
Its sin has reached the Holy One.
5. 已到達敵方的水域,船隻就需要空中掩護.
The ships needed air cover once they reached enemy waters.
6. 表示在輸入中已到達了檔案或流的結束位置.
Signals that an end of file or end of stream has been reached unexpectedly during input.
7. 公共汽車已到達終點.
The bus arrived at the terminus.
8. 加泰羅尼亞被解僱的領導人卡爾斯·普吉德蒙特已到達比利時。
Catalonia's sacked leader Carles Puigdemont has gone to Belgium.
9. 接下來,斯臺普頓獲悉亨利爵士已到達英格蘭,於是便去了倫敦。
Next, Stapleton learned that Sir Henry had reached Eng land, so he went to London.
10. 地質學家需要知道鑽頭已到達什麼樣的岩層,因此時常要用芯鑽頭取樣。
13-7. The geologist needs to know what rocks the drill has reached, so every so often a sample is obtained with a coring bit.