條理清晰的英文 條理清晰用英語怎麼說?
be methodical; be well-arranged
常用 重點詞彙
1. 他們是否條理清晰?他們是否能帶來能量?
Do they create clarity? Do they create energy?
2. 把你的意見寫成一封條理清晰的郵件發給他。
Write your opinions in a well-organized email and send it to him.
3. 良好的客戶服務意識,思維敏捷,條理清晰;
Good customer service manner, Think fast but logic;
4. 我必須承認,我很難給出一個條理清晰的答案。
I must admit that I struggled to frame a coherent response.
5. 幻燈片條理清晰,並配以大白兔以及彩虹的圖片。
There were bullet points galore.Complete with photos of fluffy white rabbits and rainbows.
6. 這是因為,他們對實現真正的自由並沒有一個條理清晰的計劃。
This is because they do not have a coherent program for true liberty .
7. 成功的論文是條理清晰的,為每一點列舉具體例子,在文中給出例證並論述。
Successful papers are well organized, cite specific examples to make each point, put examples in context, and are illustrated.
8. 麥克里斯特爾將軍是一位令人印象深刻的軍人,他的阿戰計劃前後連貫,條理清晰。
General McChrystal is an impressive soldier with a coherent plan.
9. 是他把這部本來條理不清的小成本電影,塑造成了一部既條理清晰又人人愛看的電影。
It was made on a shoestring budget,and he struggled to turn an incomplete script into a coherent and captivating story.
10. 或許吸引力在於數學史;作者在該領域擁有高學位,可以條理清晰、繪聲繪色地描寫故事。
Maybe the attraction was the history of the math; the author has an advanced degree in the subject and explains it with clarity and fizz.
新名詞 能夠按照一定的邏輯順序分條列項處理事務,形成明確的思路,進行妥善地安排佈置。 近義詞: 擘肌分理( 註釋:擘:分開;理:肌膚的紋理。比喻分析事理十分細緻。) 有條不紊( 註釋:紊:亂。形容有條有理,一點不亂。 核心要點: 1.條理分明,層次清晰。 2.邏輯明晰,主旨突出。
proper arrangement/presentation; orderliness; method; system
distinct; clear; explicit