反胃的英文 反胃用英語怎麼說?
regurgitate v.將…迴流;反胃;死記硬背;刻板地重複;依樣複述;機械地背(或默)出
revolt v.反叛;造反;起義;使厭惡;使反感;反抗;反感;違抗;厭惡
bore v.挖;掘;開鑿;將… 擠開;使厭煩;使 厭倦;嚴厲地盯住看;給(槍、炮管等)鏜孔
常用 權威
1. 他消化不良,老是反胃。
He has indigestion—he keeps regurgitating.
2. 她一看到血就反胃。
The sight of blood made her stomach heave. / Her stomach churned at the sight of blood.
3. 這種文章讓人反胃。
Such articles are revolting.
4. 他有些反胃。
His stomach churned with nausea.
5. 我反胃想吐。
My stomach revolted.
6. 使自己反胃引起的嘔吐。
Self-induced vomiting.
7. 我覺得反胃。
My stomach heaved.
8. 不知怎麼,他的樣子很讓人反胃。
He is, somehow, profoundly disgusting to see.
9. 一些人會感到頭暈,頭暈,反胃
Some people feel light-headed, dizzy or sick to their stomachs.
10. 那家餐廳差勁的食物的確使他反胃。
The terrible food at that restaurant really turned his stomach.
反胃(regurgitation /A stomach upset),食後脘腹悶脹、宿食不化、朝食暮吐、暮食朝吐為主要臨床表現的病證。多由飲食不節、酒色所傷,或長期憂思鬱怒,使脾胃功能受損,以致氣滯、血瘀、痰凝而成。反胃又稱胃反、翻胃。
動詞 regurgitate; feel queasy/nauseated; revolt; have a queasy stomach; have a gastric disorder
1. 她一看到血就反胃。
The sight of blood made her stomach heave. / Her stomach churned at the sight of blood.
2. 他有些反胃。
His stomach churned with nausea.
3. 他消化不良,老是反胃。
He has indigestion—he keeps regurgitating.
4. 我反胃想吐。
My stomach revolted.
動詞 feel nauseated; bore
1. 這種文章讓人反胃。
Such articles are revolting.