易的英文 易用英語怎麼說?
change v.更改;改變;改換;更衣;轉車;變色;轉成新月相;轉成新月;換
exchange n.交換;互換;調換;交易所;兌換;匯兌;商品交易所;交談;交易系統;爭論
easy adj.容易的;不費力的;安逸的;舒適的;易受攻擊的;無防備的;易受抨擊的;水性楊花的;放蕩的;從容的
amiable adj.和藹可親的;友善的
常用 權威
1. 易受刺激
be susceptible to stimulation
2. 易揮發物
fugitive matter
3. 易位子
4. 易得罪人
be liable to give offence
5. 易燃煤
free-burning coal
6. 易熔點
eutectic point
7. 易暈船的人
bad sailor
8. 易變形物質
yielding substance
9. 紅顏易老
beauty is but transient
1. 金屬易鏽蝕。
Metal corrodes/rusts easily.
2. 他從一個易衝動而缺乏經驗的三十歲年輕人變成了一個有責任感而穩健的政治家。
He has transformed himself from an impetuous, inexperienced 30-year-old young man into a responsible and steadfast politician.
3. 讀讀這些書,想想它們的易逝性。
Read these books and reflect on their caducity.
4. 二氧化氮是易起化學反應的氣體。
Nitrogen dioxide is a highly reactive gas.
5. 整件東西輕便易攜帶,且又美觀。
The whole is light and portable, and ornamental withal.
6. 濃密,光亮而又易梳理的頭髮。
Thick, glossy, manageable hair.
7. 極高的利率易導致災難的發生。
Sky-high interest rates are a recipe for disaster.
8. 易引起併發症的膽結石病患者。
[as adj. complicating]patients with complicating biliary calculi.
9. 他是個易衝動的人,不事先多考慮。
He was a man of impulse, not premeditation.
10. 無家可歸易導致犯罪的性質。
The criminogenic nature of homelessness.
《周易》即《易經》,《三易》之一,是傳統經典之一,相傳系周文王姬昌所作。 該書內容包括《經》和《傳》兩個部分。《經》主要是六十四卦和三百八十四爻,卦和爻各有說明(卦辭、爻辭),作為占卜之用。《傳》包含解釋卦辭和爻辭的七種文辭共十篇,統稱《十翼》,相傳為孔子所撰。 該書以八卦推測自然和社會變化,認為陰陽兩種勢力的相互作用是產生萬物的根源,提出“剛柔相推,變在其中”等富有樸素辯證法的觀點,對後世封建社會的哲學思想影響極大,被儒門奉為儒門聖典,六經之首。
動詞 change
1. 那所房子在近幾個月中幾易其主。
That house has changed hands several times in the last few months.
動詞 exchange
1. 以貨易貨
barter (one thing for another)
形詞 easy
1. 他易發心髒病。
He is subject to heart attacks.
2. 錢來之不易。
Money doesn't grow on trees.
3. 金屬易鏽蝕。
Metal corrodes/rusts easily.
4. 易於攜帶
be easy to carry about with one; be portable
5. 易輕信別人
be credulous; be too ready to believe others
6. 易患感冒
be susceptible/liable to colds; be apt to catch colds
7. 易得罪人
be liable to give offence
8. 易出事故
be liable to accidents; be accident-prone
形詞 amiable