多民族的英文 多民族用英語怎麼說?
multi-ethnic adj.多種族的;構成多種族群體的
multinational adj.多國的;在多國經營的;在多國有分支的
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 手稿擁有長期的和多民族的歷史.
The manuscripts have had a long and multinational history.
2. 中國是個多民族的國家,我是漢族。
In china there are many different ethnic groups, I'm from Han group.
3. 多民族的存在是我國的基本國情,等等。
Many nationalities existence is the basic condition of our country, etc.
4. 茶文化是中華多民族文化中的一個共同特徵。
Tea culture is one of the common traits shared by all the 56 ethnic groups in China.
5. 南寧是以壯族為主體的多民族聚居的首府城市.
Nanning is a capital city of compact nationalities with Zhuang predominating.
6. 目的對多民族常用的植物藥昆明山海棠進行生藥學鑑定.
OBJECTIVE To investigate the pharmacognosy properties of Tripterygium hypoglaucum Hutch evidence of identification and application.
7. 俄羅斯帝國是多民族的、多語言的、擁有多個宗教的國家。
The Russian Empire would be multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, and would have multiple acceptable religions.
8. 傳統的夏威夷文化以及多民族組成了一個整體的社會結構。
Traditional Hawaiian culture and the customs of Hawaii's ethnically diverse immigrants are an integral part of the social fabric.
9. 甘肅、青海是多民族雜居的地區,因而具有複雜的民族關係.
Gansu and Qinghai are multiethnic areas with complicated relationship among nationalities.
10. 昆明是全國少有的多民族聚居的省會城市,民俗風情多姿多彩。
Kunming is a minority province capital that has a lot of nationalities, and colorful folk-custom.
形詞 multi-ethnic; multinational
1. 多民族社會
multi-ethnic/multinational society
2. 多民族國家
multi-ethnic country/state; multinational country
multi-ethnic; multinational